@extends('layouts.app') @section('site_title', formatTitle([__('Pricing'), config('settings.title')])) @section('head_content') @endsection @section('content')

{{ __('Pricing') }}

{{ __('Simple pricing plans for everyone and every budget.') }}


{{ __('Frequently asked questions') }}

{{ __('What payment methods do you accept?') }}
{{ __('We support the following payment methods: :list.', ['list' => implode(', ', array_map(function ($payment) { return __($payment['type']); }, paymentProcessors()))]) }}
{{ __('Can I change plans?') }}
{{ __('Yes, you can change your plan at any time.') }} {{ __('Upon switching plans, your current subscription will be cancelled immediately.') }}
{{ __('Can I cancel my subscription?') }}
{{ __('Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time.') }} {{ __('You\'ll continue to have access to the features you\'ve paid for until the end of your billing cycle.') }}
{{ __('What happens when my subscription expires?') }}
{{ __('Once your subscription expires, you\'ll lose access to all the subscription features.') }}

{{ __('Still have questions?') }}

{{ __('Contact us') }}
@endsection @include('shared.sidebars.user')