@extends('layouts.app') @section('site_title', formatTitle([__('Dashboard'), config('settings.title')])) @section('content')
{!! config('settings.ad_dashboard_top') !!}

{{ Auth::user()->name }}

@include('icons.package', ['class' => 'text-muted fill-current width-4 height-4'])
@include('icons.email', ['class' => 'text-muted fill-current width-4 height-4'])
{{ Auth::user()->email }}
@if(paymentProcessors()) @if(Auth::user()->planOnDefault()) @else @endif @endif

{{ __('Overview') }}

@include('icons.list-alt', ['class' => 'fill-current width-5 height-5'])
@include('icons.triangle', ['class' => 'fill-current width-4 height-4 flex-shrink-0 text-danger'])
{{ number_format($badReportsCount ? (($badReportsCount / ($goodReportsCount + $decentReportsCount + $badReportsCount)) * 100) : 0, 1, __('.'), __(',')) }}%
@include('icons.square', ['class' => 'fill-current width-4 height-4 flex-shrink-0 text-warning'])
{{ number_format($decentReportsCount ? (($decentReportsCount / ($goodReportsCount + $decentReportsCount + $badReportsCount)) * 100) : 0, 1, __('.'), __(',')) }}%
@include('icons.circle', ['class' => 'fill-current width-4 height-4 flex-shrink-0 text-success'])
{{ number_format($goodReportsCount ? (($goodReportsCount / ($goodReportsCount + $decentReportsCount + $badReportsCount)) * 100) : 0, 1, __('.'), __(',')) }}%

{{ __('Activity') }}

{{ __('Latest reports') }}
@if(count($latestReports) == 0) {{ __('No data') }}. @else
@foreach($latestReports as $report)
{{ $report->created_at->diffForHumans() }}
@if(count($latestReports) > 0) @endif
{{ __('Latest projects') }}
@if(count($latestProjects) == 0) {{ __('No data') }}. @else
@foreach($latestProjects as $project) @endforeach
@if(count($latestProjects) > 0) @endif

{{ __('More') }}

@include('icons.list-alt', ['class' => 'fill-current width-6 height-6'])
{{ __('Reports') }}
{{ __('Manage the reports.') }}
@include('icons.account-tree', ['class' => 'fill-current width-6 height-6'])
{{ __('Projects') }}
{{ __('Manage the projects.') }}
@include('icons.handyman', ['class' => 'fill-current width-6 height-6'])
{{ __('Tools') }}
{{ __('Manage the tools.') }}
{!! config('settings.ad_dashboard_bottom') !!}
@endsection @include('shared.sidebars.user')